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Facial Recognition

Biometric technology supports public safety and improves an organisations interaction with people by knowing who they are and managing them at a personal level. Facial Recognition provides an accurate and convenient method to authenticate and identify people allowing much more personalised services to be delivered. NEC support the products they supply ensuring that accuracy levels are maintained beyond the initial implementation.

Face recognition is a frictionless biometric that can be integrated into a multimodal approach utilising other biometrics or additional security tokens to provide even greater and faster authentication. The fact that facial images can be captured from a distance without touching the person being identified offers distinct advantages over other biometrics systems for certain applications.

Who we work with

NEC’s biometric facial recognition technology is used worldwide for fighting crime, preventing fraud and improving public safety. By applying experience in biometric identification solutions used in 40 countries worldwide over the past decade, NEC has concentrated on developing stronger face recognition methods within the framework of biometric security systems and is now applying face recognition technology to law enforcement and other markets.

Here are just some of the industries and sectors where NEC’s Facial Recognition technologies are deployed:

National Security and Policing
Identity documents, and authentication, monitoring and tracking of persons of interest

Identifying problem gamblers and/or VIP High rollers

Targeting personalised offers, payments confirmed by face

Banking and Finance
Know your customer requirements start with authentication

Stadiums and Venues
Tracking crowd/queue build up in stadiums, identifying trouble makers

Why NEC?

With a number of competitors, both traditional and emerging, what sets NEC apart? One of the biggest reasons is our commitment to continually improving technologies that contribute to a safer society. We don’t look at Facial Recognition in isolation, rather as part of our overall biometrics suite, helping to improve safety and security in a wide range of industries and sectors.

We also provide an independently tested and proven product that can be trusted in law enforcement and border control solutions where accuracy is critical. NEC also has years of experience in providing operational implementations utilising the highest quality algorithms.

Key features and benefits of
NEC’s Facial Recognition software

Face recognition is a frictionless biometric that can be integrated into a multimodal approach utilising other biometrics or additional security tokens to provide even greater and faster authentication. NEC’s face recognition software provides high levels of accuracy when processing video of larger numbers of people in fast moving environments supporting frictionless processing.

Here are some of the key features and benefits of our Facial Recognition technology.

  • Unsurpassed Facial Recognition Software
    NEC’s NeoFace is the fastest and most accurate Facial Recognition technology available. NeoFace is regularly independently tested for accuracy and performance to provide technology that can be relied on.
  • Images can be captured from a wide range of non-specialised devices
    NEC’s NeoFace can extract faces from a range of cameras and does not require specialised equipment.
  • High speed and accuracy
    With the correct resources NeoFace is able to process large numbers of faces in real-time providing alerts that can be acted on in a timely manner.
  • Authentication 1:1
    Confirming using a face that the person is who they purport to be for example border control eGates and other access control points.
  • Identification 1:n
    Identifying a person from a captured face image and searching a database of known faces to identify what response may be required.
  • Monitoring and investigation
    Ability to review every video frame that contains a recognisable face and identifying those persons if they are persons of interest after an event.
  • Seamless Integration

    NEC’s face recognition technology can be implemented as a functionally independent application, or seamlessly integrated into new or existing biometric security solutions by system integrators and solution providers.
  • Who should use Facial Recognition technology?

    There are many reasons why our customers turn to Facial Recognition as a security solution. Here are some of the main reasons to talk to us about Facial Recognition today:

    • Fast and accurate face recognition
    • Reliable matching
    • Diverse application areas
    The human face plays an important role in our social interaction, conveying people’s identity. Using the human face as a key to security, biometric face recognition technology has received significant attention in the past several years due to its potential for a wide variety of applications in both law enforcement and non-law enforcement.

    Biometrics provide a key authentication method for digital identity in an increasingly online world, and face is convenient and accurate.

Case Studies

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