Start Thinking

No limits on creativity

Capturing the concept, practice or solution that propels your organisation to greater success comes from an effective meeting of minds, an immersive workspace and a clear vision of the elements that will drive that big idea.

This is where creativity and ideas get the space to grow. Rearrange the furniture on the fly to generate the right atmosphere for inspiration. Stand, sit on a bar stool, lie on a sofa; gather around a touch table or in front of a digital canvas. In short, remove all barriers that impede creativity.

For creative Think Tanks


  • Break the border of the old fashioned and let non-conventional technology move in
  • Encourage creativity and co-ordinated thinking
  • Inspiring environments
  • Share, create and co-create contents
  • Creative Wall

    Any surface provides the opportunity to create; embrace your inner child, for once you are allowed to write on the walls! NEC high resolution ultra-short throw interactive projection provides a creative wall to inspire idea generation. A huge interactive whiteboard, yet when it’s powered off there’s no ‘black screen’, just the seamless integration of creative potential.
  • Interactive Touch Table

    Gathering around a table is a natural way to interact with others. A touch table enables instant access and manipulation of data whilst encouraging social interactions and eye contact across the surface. NEC’s touch table with 3MTM PCAP touch technology has a bezel-free design with intuitive finger swipe control for a meeting less-ordinary.