- Discussion Panel Roundup: The Future of Wealth Management
As the digital transformation of the government and enterprises advances, the perspective of aligning with digital finance becomes ever more necessary, so "FinTech" is highlighted not only in finance industry but in various industries as well.
While strengthening our efforts in the field of digital finance, NEC plays a key role to construct an even better digital society by utilizing our core technologies, as well as our capabilities for research, development, and engineering.
There are two key challenges at the heart of building a better post-COVID world: balanced prosperity which directly addresses climate change, and more fairness in the distribution of wealth. Both fall under the broad banner of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), and both can be addressed by new, fast-evolving digital capabilities.
The future of ESG-driven and more democratized financial services will require highly innovative, adaptable, and 'future proof' digital solutions.
Kindly refer to the below to learn more about our insight and how we intend to create a Green Finance Revolution by digital transformation.